Financial Footings Curriculum

Sunset Credit Union is excited to bring financial literacy to your student. The curriculum, Financial Footings, is designed to empower students to take control of their financial futures. The program will familiarize your child with concepts such as how money is used, the basics of balancing an account, and how to budget for and set financial goals. We’ll discuss terms such as currency, withdrawal, deposit, credit, income, and expenses. You will see us in the classroom with educational and fun activities designed to put your child on solid financial footing. If your child has been introduced to the Financial Footings curriculum, please ask them to tell you about their occupation and how well they budgeted their expenses with the income from their “job”, the difference between a checking and savings account and the concept of earning or paying interest.

Sunset Credit Union services the greater Washington County. If your school is within our field of membership and you would like us to bring Financial Footings to the classroom, please contact us at 503-643-1335.

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